Personal Training in Surrey with Surrey Personal Trainer Pete Griggs Rates
Personal Training in Surrey Pete Griggs


1 Hour Session From £25

5 X 1 Hour Session from £110 (Save £15)

Prices include, a 1 hour fitness session (longer sessions available), a workout programme tailored specifically to you, diet advice, a food programme should you require one and a full body assisted stretch to help you relax and unwind at the end of the session.

If your on a budget why not do a session every other week or once a month, Pete will write you a programme to follow until you see him again. He will then review it for you and write you a new one to progress you.

Personal Training in London Pete Griggs
Personal Training in London Pete Griggs
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Personal Fitness Training In Surrey with Pete Griggs

Personal Training in Surrey Pete Griggs
Personal Training in Surrey Pete Griggs
Pete Griggs is able to travel internationally, if you have a project in the UK or overseas that requires a personal trainer to be on hand, please contact Pete for further information.

Personal training in Surrey with Pete can take place at your house, a local park, garden (size permitting) or one of the gyms that Pete has access to round London and Surrey.

All you will need to bring to the sessions are a drink of water, some comfortable and supportive trainers, appropriate clothing (you will probably get hot and sweaty) and a towel.

If you have any special needs or requirements, please let Pete know in advance and he will do his best to accommodate them for you.

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Personal Training In Surrey with Pete Griggs

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