Personal Training in Surrey with Surrey Personal Trainer Pete Griggs FAQ
Personal Training in London Pete Griggs

Frequently Asked Questions

This page answers a lot of the questions Pete gets emailed to him, and hopefully some of the questions you have.

Personal Training in London Pete Griggs
Personal Training in London Pete Griggs
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Personal Fitness Training In Surrey with Pete Griggs

Personal Training In Surrey with Pete Griggs

Is it hard work?

Simple answer is yes! But Pete designs the personal training sessions so you will enjoy them, there is variety in the workouts and exercises, the workouts will challenge you but you will definitely enjoy the results.

How quickly will I lose the weight?

This question gets asked a lot and varies a lot between people, factors effecting the rate at which you lose weight include, age, metabolism, number of workouts a week, diet, general activity and attitude.  If you do everything Pete tells you to do you can expect to lose around 2lb a week.

How much do personal training sessions in London with Pete Griggs cost?

Personal training sessions start at £25 and hour, and may go up a bit depending on how far Pete has to travel to you.  Discounts for block bookings are available, contact Pete for more information Pete offers personal training in London, Surrey and internationally.

How can a get a flat stomach/six-pack?

You will need to see Pete and book a few personal training sessions, he will look at you diet and make necessary changes to it, give you a workout to help you burn the fat off you stomach to make you leaner and give you so stomach exercises to tone your stomach muscles.

How many personal training sessions will I need?

This depends entirely on what you want to achieve and your current fitness level.  It is best to make sure you have regular sessions with Pete; he will then be able to ensure that you are progressing towards your goals.  Try to have one session a week to get the most out of personal training.

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